Sunday, November 30, 2008

No Such Thing as Tears

On a dusty shelf
Or in a drawer
Or a box on the attic floor
There is a picture
Of the two of us in love
But time has turned an ugly corner
More than once
So now we shine with gray hairs
And wrinkled brows
Across the lying years
Remembering a time
When we were the sun
And when there was no such thing
As tears

Moth to a Flame

You are fluttering and flitting
Rising and falling
Towards the flickering light
Winged on the night
Embrace the darkness
Yet hunger for the light
Closer and closer you circle
To the tantalizing flame
Like passion
This obsession
Calls your simple name
You will have your desire
This fire
But be fearful of what you seek
For death does not respect
The innocent or the meek
You have no care
No worries to bear
Simply living out your whim
And like the fire
You are so drawn to him
But like the static creates the spark
He will break your heart
You will ignite into flame
And be then eaten
By the dark

The Killing Snow

The killing snow
Fell softly
Delicate through the sky
I laughed
Blinking my eyes
In the bright whiteness
This was love
I thought
Falling from heaven
And I devoured it with my senses
Sweet perfect snow
Lifting my heart upward
As it drifted to the ground
This love is not cumbersome
I thought
Slowly growing numb
Loves virgin birth on a winter’s night
Shivering, I thought
And I’m still smiling
Frozen dead
And covered white